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Adaptive Plastic Surgery Workflows

Learn how ModMed helps you manage chief complaints, history and more without endlessly searching for the right fields.

Here is a transcript of the video: 

ModMed Plastic Surgery was built by plastic surgeons, making it that much easier to document your visits and procedures. In this example, I’m going to document a breast reconstructive surgery consultation.

First I’m going to go ahead and add my chief complaint along with the referring doctor information. In this case, the surgeon’s name is the same. The diagnosis is ductal carcinoma in-situ. And as I move through the rest of the consultation, adding details about the complaint, relevant patient history and treatment plan, you’ll notice that the EHR is presenting the information I need, right when I need it. The flow is logical and efficient, and there’s no loss of detail. Once I choose “save complaint,” the system suggests my note for the visit, which I can review and adjust as needed.

And just like that, I’m done with my consultation.