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Enhancing Practice Efficiency and Patient Care

Billing Manager Heather Holbrook shares how ModMed has helped enhance workflows, reduce patient wait times, and simplify staff processes.

Here is the full transcript of the video:

We enjoy using ModMed®. It is very nice to have a system that everything is integrated together. It makes the flow easier and faster and the patients don't have to wait as long. So we enjoy it a lot. I think the staff likes the protocols. They enjoy being able to just click one button and have everything populate, so they're not having to type everything in. I think that the reports have come a long way. It's nice that you can customize them into the 120 days or the 90 days. It gives you a better understanding of what you actually have outstanding. Our doctors do like those reports to know how many services they've done. So it's nice that you can filter it by CPT code, diagnosis code. So if they want to know how many patients they've seen for a certain CPT code or a certain diagnosis, you can find all that information out. We enjoy the fact that ModMed does consider what the customers want, and it helps it to become an easier flowing and better system to use.