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Enhance Efficiencies with EMA® & Practice Management

Billing Manager Heather Holbrook shares how having a true All-In-One system enhances practice efficiency and allows them to provide better patient care.

Here is the full transcript of the video:

We enjoy using ModMed®.

We enjoy the fact that ModMed does consider what the customers want, and it helps it to become an easier flowing and better system to use. 

Having both EMA and the PM system, it helps the workflow because what they do in EMA converts to the PM side. So we're not manually posting all the charges, verifying the insurances. All of that communicates together and makes it easier for the staff, and the workflow is better. 

 I think the benefits of having an all in one system is that everyone can see what each department is doing. You can communicate with the billing department, the scheduling department, the clinical team. Everyone has the same access to all the information, so the communication is much easier.