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An Easy Ophthalmology EHR Transition for Carolina Glaucoma PA

Clinical Manager Ashlee Holland describes how their practice was able to easily switch to a more user friendly ophthalmology EMR system. For more information, visit

Here is a full transcription of the video:

My name is Ashlee Holland, I work for a single doctor practice called Carolina Glaucoma. We’re based in Wilmington, North Carolina and we are a glaucoma specialist. We were looking for something a little bit more modern, mainstream something that was more user friendly and we looked at a couple of different options and finally settled on EMA.

We liked its format, we liked its flow. We liked the fact that it had A the coding part because the system that we were using before did not have the coding side. Our doctor can also do all of her work as far as her drawings and all of that. It was a lot more intuitive for her to be able to do her ophthalmoscopy drawings in the chart and it all print out in one concise format.

Switching was actually very easy. We had a trainer come and stay with us for I think two days, two or three days. But we also had phone training or for like a week or so. Of course with anything there was a little bit of a learning curve because we had used another program for so long.

But the transition was super easy. I think it’s Modernizing Medicine is a very innovative company because it’s constantly striving to give us something newer and better and make sure that we are able to be better as a practice.