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Better Ophthalmology Patient Engagement: How Carolina Glaucoma Did It

Clinical Manager Ashlee Holland shares how her iPad ophthalmology EHR gives her more face time with patients. For more information, visit

Here is a full transcription of the video:

My name is Ashlee Holland, I work for a single doctor practice called Carolina Glaucoma. We’re based in Wilmington, North Carolina and we are a glaucoma specialist. EMA® has changed my perception of an EMR system mainly because it’s so user friendly and it’s very innovative.

I do think that there’s more patient engagement because you can interact with the patient more because you can have the iPad in front of you and be facing the patient and talking to them. I can be talking to them while I’m putting in prescriptions or updating their chart note or anything like that or their clipboard while I’m looking at them and talking to them or facing them while they’re telling me what’s wrong with them. So my back isn’t turn to them looking at a computer screen. So they feel like they can actually tell me more.

I absolutely think that Modernizing Medicine is in a good place to address the future needs and health care because like I said it’s such an innovative company. I always feel like that we’ve always got the best product that we can have.