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Woolfson Eye Institute Saves Time and Clicks with the Help of Image Management

Learn how Woolfson Eye Institute Accesses and Manages Images from Virtually Anywhere. For more information, visit

Here is a full transcription of the video:

The other thing that I really like about EMA® is the imaging software. The imaging software is really fast, it’s cloud based, so the images come quickly. You can blow them up very quickly on the iPad. You can use your fingers to look at them and show patients on the desktop. I find it’s very easy for me to select my lenses. I think it’s very easy for me to look through my OCTs, my visual fields and my topographies. All of these things are brilliantly captured in the system.

I can share with the patients, myself, my staff, my students, my residents, and I can easily export to a presentation and use it for other people. So it’s wherever I want. It’s wherever I have a Wi-Fi connection or even a cell connection. I can look at that stuff, so if I get a call in a weird place, I can look at all the imaging we have on the patient and and review that and make a decision. I think that’s been a great, great benefit and step up from where we were with our old EMR system.