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Woolfson Eye Institute Experiences a Smooth Ophthalmology EHR Implementation

Learn how Woolfson Eye Institute benefits from an easy-to-learn, customizable ophthalmology EHR. For more information, visit

Here is a full transcription of the video:

The switch to EMA has been great. The practice intentionally took on this challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic shut down. We had a great opportunity where clinic volume was relatively low and we had a facility where we could get together, but socially distance.

We went through some online courses prior to an in-person training event. The trainers are very knowledgeable. They will make sure that you understand the basics of the program. It’s like learning a language. They’re going to teach you some of the words, some of the sentence structure and then from there, you can just learn to speak it on your own. I think that is the nice thing about this. Once you get that repetition, you know how to fix things yourself. You know how to customize your protocols, how to customize your visit, so that when you do get into the trenches back in the clinic, you can make adjustments on the fly.

I felt like with our old system, we were given some education, but our ability to customize things thereafter was very limited. So I think that’s been a great, great benefit and a step up from where we were with our old EMR system.