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Saving Time and Providing Faster Patient Care with EMA®

Joplin ENT successfully implemented an all-in-one ENT software solution and receives stellar support. See how EMA helps save time and provide faster patient care. 

Here is a full transcription of the video:

I’m Dr. Renee Walker. I’m a pediatric ENT that actually practices General ENT. My name is Tracy Carpenter. I’m the practice administrator for Joplin Ear Nose and Throat.

We implemented both EMA and Practice Management at the same time. Modernizing Medicine held our hands and guided us every step of the way, bringing in our trainer, Joe which we love, to the office. I also came down to Boca to meet with a lot of the trainers and the client advisers.

The webinars and the phone conferences, they make it really easy to ask specific questions. The support team at Modernizing Medicine is great. I’ve never had to wait on an answer. I would never believe that an EMR would have improved my life or expedited patient care like it has in the office. She’s actually seeing the same amount of patients but a lot more efficiently.