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Dr. Gwinn-Modernizing Training & Implementation

HARMONY Center for Surgery of the Ears, Nose and Throat Experiences Excellent EMR Training and a Seamless Implementation. For more information, visit

Here is a full transcription of the video:

Comparing the experience we had with Modernizing Medicine, with our previous vendor, the previous vendor didn’t give us any sort of lead up or any ramp up to their system so that they showed up a week before we went live and basically all of the information was thrown out our laps at the same time.

So with the implementation that we got from Modernizing Medicine, it was actually very, very smooth. It was done through webinars or Go To Meetings that were sort of spaced out over about 11 week period prior to our actually go-live date.

Then we had our trainers come out for a couple of days before and we ran some practice patients through and just made sure that everybody knew which screens to go to and how to navigate. And so that when we actually did go live, it really wasn’t as bad as I think everybody in the office had thought it could be. So a lot of anxiety was know unfounded. We were we up to almost seeing the full volume of patients in probably about two weeks.