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Documenting With a Smarter Dermatology EHR

Modernizing Medicine’s all-in-one dermatology platform starts optimizing itself the moment you start using it. No templates to create. No complex customization. Just optimal efficiency and improved outcomes for your entire practice. But that’s not all. To learn more, visit

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We know your time is valuable. So let’s not waste a second of it showing you how to save hours and hours with a smarter EHR. This is Modernizing Medicine’s dermatology EHR platform. It combines seamlessly with our practice management software to give you an all in one solution with a single log in that puts clinical and financial details right at your fingertips.

In addition to our tablet and desktop versions, we also offer mobile versions for your phone and your Apple Watch so you can manage patients even when you’re not at the office. Our EHR was built by practicing dermatologists, and it comes loaded with diagnosis-specific medical content right out of the box. Our EHR is so smart that it actually learns how you like to treat your patients. It will discover how you like to describe certain diagnoses and for example what you may rule out if you are performing a biopsy. So if you’re performing a biopsy by shave, it knows just how you like to set up your biopsy tray. Not only does this make it really easy to learn but it saves you lots of time documenting during a patient examination.

You can save even more time on data entry with our electronic kiosk solution which conveniently collects patient information and can help improve your clinic’s overall efficiency. Modernizing Medicine’s EHR can not only import patient medication information with a touch of a button but it also saves time by adaptively learning what medications you commonly prescribed as well as the dosages and instructions you typically provide to your patients. All of this data is structured so you have the visibility through our EHR at all times. You can see patient demographics, reason for visit, eligibility and visit codes, such as CPTs and E/M which you can manage throughout the revenue cycle process. Plus, it makes MIPS reporting a breeze as it collects MIPS data within the flow of an exam. Track your composite score in progress on each measure and even benchmark your performance against peers. It also takes advantage of our automated specialized registries which will let you submit your quality, ACI, & AI data directly to CMS through our qualified registry in just minutes. So what do you think? Doesn’t your practice deserve a smarter dermatology EHR. Let us show you what a smarter EHR can do for your practice.

Together we are Modernizing Medicine.