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A Medical Billing Expert: Discovering Faster Payments and Time Savings With ModMed® Urology

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Case Study

Group Goals

  • Provide innovative solutions to healthcare professionals
  • Support clients with coding, billing and reimbursement needs
  • Help physicians maximize efficiency

Key Benefits Experienced

  • Reduced FTEs assigned to accounts
  • Achieved cleaner claims and faster payments
  • Saved hours of time
  • Streamlined RCM process

Find out why one medical billing expert prefers ModMed Urology over other systems 

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“ModMed Urology is one of the most user-friendly systems I’ve used. It feels like it was designed with the whole picture in mind. Claims are going out cleaner, which allows for faster payments. For most primary payers, those claims are being turned around in seven to 10 days. In other systems, I’ve seen a two-week to 21-day turnaround.”



PRS Network, based in Westminster, Colorado, is a group with a mission to help physicians maximize income and efficiency. Founded by a urologist over 30 years ago, the group’s core services include practice management, coding education, training and review, revenue cycle management (RCM), legal defense, compliance assistance and EHR/PM deployment.

PRS Managed Services, LLC, is one of the group’s related companies and manages practices from start to finish — from clinical and front desk workflows to RCM to monitoring coding and documentation for accuracy. They actively work in 14 different practice management systems and 19 different EHR systems, including ModMed® Urology, across their client base.

Marianne DeSciose, Director of Operations at PRS Managed Services, shares her insights into ModMed Urology and how the system performs above the rest. She discusses the benefits she’s experienced, including quicker payment turnaround times, time saved managing rejections and insurance denials, data transparency throughout the entire RCM process, and more.

urology-specific EHR

ModMed: How has using ModMed impacted your daily operations?

Marianne DeSciose: For our accounts that use ModMed, we found that because the system is so easy to use and offers better workflows than others, we’ve been able to decrease the number of FTEs applied to those accounts. We have half an FTE for every three providers versus a full FTE for every two providers. That ratio decrease has helped us significantly because we can apply those resources elsewhere.

We’ve found the doctors who use EMA®, ModMed’s EHR, are signing off on charges quicker because the system suggests billing codes based on their documentation. So those charges are ready that same day. My team can see the chart notes, which has made it a very quick process to do charge checks.

Claims are going out cleaner, which allows for faster payments. For most primary payers, those claims are being turned around in seven to 10 days. In other systems, I’ve seen a two-week to 21-day turnaround. With ModMed, those extra days are cut down because claims are being sent to the clearinghouse every couple of hours, multiple times a day. Other systems I’ve used send once a day, or overnight. We can also set up rules in the background for certain charges to be flagged that may need, for example, an additional modifier.

We have denial queues set up, which makes it very easy to manage rejections and denials. We are saving an average of six to eight hours a week managing these. The task system has also been extremely helpful because we can track the authorizations and requests from the doctor to the staff, helping to ensure accountability. The front desk staff can easily view the ledgers and notes. If there’s an issue, they have the data they need all on one screen.

ModMed: Why do you prefer ModMed?

Marianne DeSciose: ModMed Urology is one of the most user-friendly systems I’ve used. It feels like it was designed with the whole picture in mind, not just the clinical space or administrative aspect. From the front desk to the provider to billing, the entire process ties together and flows seamlessly from start to finish.

In my experience, the EHR system enables the providers to click less, speeding up their documentation. In the PM system, it’s very easy to make corrections. This is not the case in many other systems, where you have to create separate batches to make a correction to the claim. With ModMed, we can have our payment posters correct claims right there.

Additionally, the ModMed team is always available and willing to make adjustments or discuss future enhancements. They often issue updates and improvements to the system that real users request.

ModMed: How was the implementation experience?

Marianne DeSciose: We have clients who have transitioned to our services at the same time they are switching to ModMed from another platform. We’ve also had existing clients who decided to adopt ModMed. We help the client during the implementation process, from start to finish, in terms of establishing workflows. ModMed has done a great job making it a very easy and organized process. It’s one of the most easily trainable systems that I have worked with — from the EHR to the Practice Management side.

In my experience, anybody who starts using ModMed doesn’t want to use another system. My staff actually wants to work in it because it’s refreshing to have a platform that enables you to feel like you’re making progress. I believe that ModMed is dedicated to making this the best EHR and Practice Management system, and it shows.


To learn more about the products Marianne DeSciose discussed, please request a demo at or call 561.235.7509.

The statements and conclusions contained herein reflect the opinions of Marianne DeSciose and not those of ModMed. ModMed makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of any such information. Results may vary depending on medical practice size, product usage and other variables.