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2018 Orthopedic Medical Software Reviews

orthopedic EHR quotes and testimonials

Here’s what the industry and your peers are saying when it comes to using the orthopedic EMR system, EMA

When evaluating orthopedic software, numerous considerations can factor into your decision-making process. Some of those considerations should extend beyond essential requirements such as features, functionality and cost. The company’s history, industry recognition and perhaps, most importantly, perspectives from current clients may aid in your decision-making process.

Research the Orthopedic EMR Vendor

Get a glimpse into the company’s history, from how and who founded it, to financial stability, ownership and other meaningful announcements along the way. Industry articles and company-issued press releases serve as great historical information.

Technology and healthcare are two ever-changing industries. And when united, the changes can become exponential. When evaluating orthopedic EMR systems, see if the company takes a forward-thinking approach, or if it exhibits a history of improvements and enhancements based on client feedback and industry demands.

Case in point, in March 2018 we made two key announcements around our orthopedic EMR, EMA™. One included teaming up with WebPT — the leading physical therapy software platform — to help support improved efficiency and clinical outcomes in orthopedic care episodes. The other included a collaboration with Ambra Health to enhance EMA with advanced PACS connectivity.

Seek out a company with a proven track record of success. Third-party validation may factor into your decision-making process and can add to the company’s credibility. In 2018, Black Book™ named EMA the #1 Orthopedic EMR. Black Book Research is recognized internationally for accurate, impartial customer satisfaction surveys in multiple services and software industries. The research company conducted a sweeping six-month user poll to determine the highest ranked electronic health and medical record software systems. The largest user opinion poll of its kind in healthcare IT, Black Book collects over 660,000 viewpoints on information technology and outsourced services vendor performance annually.

In late 2017 our products and team received additional accolades. modmed Kiosk received the honor of the People’s Choice Award from the 2017 UX Summit and our team received the 2017 Customer Success Team of the Year from the SIIA Company CODiE Awards.

A nod from the industry and third-party validation can help provide added confidence when evaluating the right orthopedic EMR for your practice and may even help differentiate one healthcare technology vendor from another.

Gather Reviews from Current Orthopedic EMR Clients

Perhaps one of the best ways to fully understand how a company operates and how a product works includes hearing directly from current clients. When making a decision to select an orthopedic EMR system, ask to speak with current users. Ask them if there is ongoing customer support. Ask if the company can help schedule a phone conversation, or better yet a visit to a practice to see how the orthopedic EMR works in a clinical setting. Hearing directly from your peers to gather orthopedic software reviews will help to answer questions and even spark new ones.

Orthopedic Medical Software Reviews

When using an orthopedic EMR system you should reap the benefits of the technology, which include saving time, increasing revenue, adding efficiency and providing you the potential to see more patients than before. I wanted to share some success stories that reflect our clients’ experiences when using our orthopedic EMR system and other solutions.

Seeing More Patients with Orthopedic Software

Technology should help make you more efficient. After implementation and proper training, many of our clients have increased patient load while decreasing time spent at the office.

“We save around two hours a day while seeing more patients due to EMA’s ease of use and other initiatives. Also, we significantly increased our revenue per provider due to EMA helping us be more accurate with our coding the ability to see more patients,” shared Steve Meadows, MD, at South Palm Orthopedics.

modmed Kiosk streamlines the check-in process, saving a few minutes per patient, which enables us to see more patients than with paper,” said Lisa Saunders, practice administrator at Jupiter Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.

“I can see twenty new patients and be done an hour to an hour and a half earlier than in the past. If I consider my time saved, that equals to saving over $125,000 per year,” stated Daniel Stein, MD, of Coastline Orthopaedic Associates.

Increasing Efficiency With Your Orthopedic EMR

One benefit of an orthopedic EMR should include increased efficiency by providing you with thorough orthopedic-specific knowledge at your fingertips and eliminating the need for orthopedic templates. “The patient record in EMA is comprehensive with the documentation needed to support a particular level of service. Most of the time I finalize my notes by the time the last patient leaves the office,” shared Michael Graham, MD, of Northwest Spine Center. “I can write prescriptions in the exam room, verify the patient information, ePrescribe prior to the patient leaving the office and finalize my notes—all in less time than my previous EHR systems,” said Audley Mackel, MD, Associates in Orthopaedics, Inc.

An All-in-One Orthopedic System

When it comes to orthopedic software, having a one-stop shop for your orthopedic EMR, practice management, revenue cycle management and analytics can prove beneficial when compared to working with a separate vendor for each. Many of our clients have experienced the benefits of using multiple products or services in our orthopedic software suite.

“Since implementing EMA and Practice Management, payment turnaround times are faster, revenue has increased and error rates have declined. Having the all-in-one system is a huge timesaver,” said Cortney Hill, billing manager at Connecticut Family Orthopedics.

Prepared for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

With ever-changing government regulations, you want your vendor’s technology to keep up and stay ahead of the curve. Take MIPS* for example.

The MIPS dashboard in EMA is phenomenal. EMA is the only EHR system we experienced that is prepared and didn’t require a lot more work or time,” stated Skyler Fierro, CEO of Innovative Healthcare Business Solutions.

Patsy Smith, practice manager at South Palm Orthopedics, shared, “EMA calculates the exam and gathers the data needed to track our MIPS performance measures. Our MAs and I can view the note and clearly understand the measure needed for that exam. I view our MIPS dashboard every two weeks to keep a pulse on our status, and our MIPS Advisor also tracks our progress. It all comes down to time. We don’t have a designated person in our office to focus on MIPS, so we’d rather have Modernizing Medicine help us handle it and our Advisor helps us with submitting, which is what we need. We are currently on track and plan to receive a significant incentive for each provider in 2019.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s important to gain perspective into the company you may choose to do business with. Connecting with current clients will help you gain a true understanding of a company’s orthopedic software offerings.


*Information relating to our EHR certification, including certain costs and limitations, can be found at

Jason Weisstein, MD, MPH, FACS

Jason Weisstein, MD, MPH, FACS

Medical Director of Orthopedics

Dr. Jason Weisstein is the Medical Director of Orthopedics. A native of southern California, he graduated Valedictorian from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City in 1998. Simultaneous with his medical education, Dr. Weisstein received a masters of public health at Columbia University in New York, NY. He subsequently completed his surgical internship and orthopedic surgery residency training at the University of California, San Francisco, and then went on to receive fellowship training at the University of Washington. Dr. Weisstein specializes in joint replacement and limb salvage surgery. His interest lies in the restoration of function in limbs that are in jeopardy, either from arthritis, tumors or other diseases. He currently serves as the Director of both the Center for Joint Preservation and Replacement and the Center for Musculoskeletal Oncology at the Paley Institute in West Palm Beach, Fla. He also serves as an Affiliate Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery at Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine. Click here to learn more about Dr. Weisstein.