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It's about time you got your life back

See how at OSN New York 2022
BOOTH #23 | November 11-13 | New York, NY

We can’t wait to meet you at OSN New York, 2022! Stop by BOOTH #23 for a demo of our all-in-one ophthalmology-specific software suite.

Discover ModMed® Ophthalmology, the #1 integrated EHR, PM and RCM* + Analytics + Patient Engagement + Payments + ASC suite of solutions, designed to help you run your practice more efficiently, so you can finally leave the office on time.

It’s about time for a change.
Let’s meet at BOOTH #23.

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It’s about time for a change.
Let’s meet at BOOTH #23.

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Why switch to ModMed® Ophthalmology?

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It’s about time you had an EHR that was built for ophthalmologists

EMA, our ophthalmology-specific EHR system, understands your subspecialty. It knows the difference between a retina, cataract and glaucoma specialist. Our custom workflows are already built in.

Ajit Nemi, MD, MBA, Lotus Vision

Ajit Nemi, MD, MBA, Lotus Vision

“As a cornea, cataract and refractive surgeon, I appreciate the comprehensive counseling information and treatment protocols for the diagnoses I most commonly encounter. I can create operative reports for anterior segment procedures with the touch of a button…”
Byron "Trip" Cook, MD, Woolfson Eye Institute

Byron "Trip" Cook, MD, Woolfson Eye Institute

With EMA, I feel as though I’m in this 3D world that provides so much functionality and ophthalmology-specific information, I can document a patient visit with just a few taps. I’m able to focus more on engaging with the patients instead of documenting in the chart.”
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It’s about time you said goodbye to workflow inefficiencies

With EMA, you don’t need to prepare charts before patient visits. It’s all done in real time.

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It’s about time you got a more complete picture

Premium Analytics provides the insights needed to inform decisions that could help improve the performance and efficiency of your practice.

Ashley Tibbits, Senior Project Manager of Implementation, Thomas Eye Group

Ashley Tibbits, Senior Project Manager of Implementation, Thomas Eye Group

“EMA and the Practice Management system checked all the boxes we needed and would best support our overall goals. Having a detailed implementation timeline, knowledgeable trainers and a dedicated staff were a recipe for success during our implementation.”
Christina O'Connor Director, Clinical Operations Jervey Eye Group, PA

Christina O'Connor, Director, Clinical Operations Jervey Eye Group, PA

“I’ve experienced numerous EMR systems and EMA is by far the most user friendly and ophthalmology specific. Use of iPads and the ability to have one single sign-on for EMA and Practice Management has streamlined our workflow.”
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It’s about time you had one system — not two

Our Practice Management software brings your data together under a single system when it’s used with EMA. Integrations that create efficiency via a single login, so you can focus on what matters most.

Let’s meet at the OSN New York 2022

See how ModMed Ophthalmology can help you get your life back

*2022 Black Book

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