Are you ready for MIPS Madness?

Up Your MIPS Game

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Track your score with our MIPS dashboard

The March 31, 2021 MIPS Submission Deadline
is Almost Here!

If the MIPS data collection and submission process feels like madness, you may want to consider adding gGastro® to your practice’s lineup for the 2021 reporting year. gGastro is our GI-specific EHR that supports you like a true team player, with built-in medical content and MIPS reporting. Want to know your score? Just check your MIPS dashboard for a near real-time estimate.

the march 31, 2021 mips submission deadline is
almost here!

the march 31, 2021 mips submission deadline is almost here!

Track your score with our MIPS dashboard

If the MIPS data collection and submission process feels like madness, you may want to consider adding gGastro® to your practice’s lineup for the 2021 reporting year. gGastro is our GI-specific EHR that supports you like a true team player, with built-in medical content and MIPS reporting. Want to know your score? Just check your MIPS dashboard for a near real-time estimate.

the march 31, 2021 mips submission deadline is
almost here!

the march 31, 2021 mips submission deadline is almost here!

Track your score with our MIPS dashboard

If the MIPS data collection and submission process feels like madness, you may want to consider adding gGastro® to your practice’s lineup for the 2021 reporting year. gGastro is our GI-specific EHR that supports you like a true team player, with built-in medical content and MIPS reporting. Want to know your score? Just check your MIPS dashboard for a near real-time estimate.

up your mips game with our gi-specific ehr, ggastro


MIPS Support

Get extra support, if you need it, with our gAdvisor™ service.


MIPS Dashboard
& Built-In Reports

Track your performance against MIPS benchmarks.


Easy eCQM

Use gGastro eCQMs to submit MIPS data at no additional cost.

mips reporting
at modernizing medicine

Quick Facts

89.75 the average total score for gAdvisor clients.* 75 PTS = exceptional performer bonus
97.3% of gAdvisor clients achieved a final score of 75 or above

need extra mips support?

Our gAdvisors Can Help You:

  • Track your estimated MIPS progress
  • Strategize ways to achieve your MIPS score goals
  • Help you keep up with changes to the measures and rules
  • Get through the submission process
  • • Track your estimated MIPS progress
  • • Strategize ways to achieve your MIPS score goals
  • • Help you keep up with changes to the measures and rules
  • • Get through the submission process
  • • Track your estimated MIPS progress
  • • Strategize ways to achieve your MIPS score goals
  • • Help you keep up with changes to the measures and rules
  • • Get through the submission process
On-target gAdvisor icon with bullseye
99% of gAdvisor clients met their score goals

Of gAdvisor clients met their score goals 2

what your peers are saying

Quotation mark with client quote.

“My gAdvisor is phenomenal. She is extremely knowledgeable, helpful and thorough. Her attention to detail has helped us understand things in a manner in which we did not before. She is always very responsive and available when we need her.”

– Karen Robinson
Tri-County Gastroenterology

Ready to Get on the Road to Glory?

Fill out our form to find out how our gGastro EHR and MIPS gAdvisor service can help you up your MIPS game.

1 Numbers are estimated based on data collected by the Modernizing Medicine, Inc. Qualified Registry for the 2019 reporting year using the MIPS scoring criteria published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”); may not reflect scores for all MIPS categories; final results may vary. Prior performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

2 Goals established by clients and may vary by provider.

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